Frequently Asked Questions
How is a Story Rangers class structured?
Classes typically last bewteen 45 minutes and an hour and are structured as follows:
- - We begin with a selection of fun and engaging warm up activities that link to the theme of our story and help to put your child at ease.
- - Next we move onto storytelling. Here the children play an active role in storytelling and will make use of drama, musical instruments and props to fully engage with the story and bring it to life.
- - After the story, children have the opportunity to choose from a range of activities that link to the story we have just read. Activities on offer might include sensory play, small world play, craft activities or simply relaxing and enjoying the books and story-telling props on offer. During this time, if your child would like to try telling one of his or her own stories (no matter how short!) they will receive 1:1 support with this and their story will be written down for them.
- - We come back together as a group at the end of the session to hear and act out any stories that the children have shared and to celebrate their achievements. Reward stickers and special awards such as “Ranger of the week” will be given at the end of each session.
What if my child is too shy for some of the activities?
Throughout all of these activities we will be led entirely by your child. If they prefer to watch a particular activity or we need to adapt it to suit their needs, then that’s absolutely fine. We recognise that each child is an individual and it is important to us that our classes are relaxed and pressure free for all who attend. Confidence will come in time!
My child isn’t yet 2. Can they still trial the class?
Yes! Our parent and child sessions are ideally suited to children aged 2 to school age, but this is only a guide and if your child is a little younger and you’d like to trial the class we are very happy for you to do so.
Do I need to block book classes?
You can book a single class trial in the first instance. After this, if you would like to continue, you will need to block-book for each half-term to guarantee a place in class.
Can I bring a younger sibling to class?
Yes! Younger siblings under the age of 2 can attend free of charge. Siblings older than 2 or old enough to require their own craft materials and resources will be charged at our sibling rate (£7.50 for the first child and £2.50 for each additional child thereafter).
Where can I find information about options for my school or nursery setting?
Please visit our contact page to find your nearest branch and class leader. They will be happy to help you and send you all the information you need.